Tuesday 5 April 2011

Media Revolution- Stop Press

The dailies have lost over 2 and a quarter million readers in the past ten years. However, the Mirror have lost over 750,00 readers and the Sun have lost over 400,00 readers. But, the Sunday newspapers have lost half a million readers.

Advertising has had a major effect on newspaper because the advertising cost for newspaper has decreased by 20% because no one is buying papers. 75% of revenue come from advertising for local newspaper. Rupert Murdoch revolutionized newspaper productions by moving the offices to new high-tech computing offices so that the news can be put on the internet. The only newspaper not to have lost readers over last years were The Sun. Newspaper have changed their tactics and they have increased their cover prices and handed out free-bes to counter act the loss of readers. Mcfly brought together the music industry and the news by giving out their album as a free be to the daily mail, this brought sales up by 300,000 readers. The impact that the web has on the readers is that they can read what the want to read so the power is in their hands.

Friday 18 March 2011


1. How can we predict the future if technologies are invented and are not used for their intended

2. Why are users important in mass collaboration?

They choose what they do with the the creation and how they product it.

3. What impact has We Think had on the music industry?

4. How has proliferation of broadband and technologies improved mass collaboration creativity?

5. What impact has We Think had on the newspaper industry?

Tuesday 8 March 2011


Peering- Spotify allows you to download music quickly but in most cases you have to to pay for it to put it onto your Itunes account. Also another way is that on Youtube you can listen to songs on the internet and the bands or the people who put the videos onto the website get money for advertising. But, there are some negative sides to peering is that anything on the internet can be downloaded illegally which doesn't cost anything and also you can download the official music videos via a Youtube converter.

Free Creativity- Cover songs can benefit bands because they get royalties every time one of their songs get bought. An example of this is X-factor when the winner sings their final song and the band get advertisement for their song and it'll encourage more people to buy it. But there's also bad parts to this because people can create cover songs of other songs without permission so the band don't get any money from it.

Democratised- Itunes is an example of this because all over the world people can download music, but pay for it, and they can also listen 30 seconds clips of bands song to see if you like the song enough to buy it.

Thinking Globally- Bands can sell their albums worldwide and make profits from all around the world. At first bands could only really sell albums in their own country but now an American band can sell their album in Australia. Also Youtube helps them sell there work wold wide by because people can listen to their songs on Youtube and then either order the album online or go out and buy it.

Perfect Storm- For a perfect storm to happen a company they need the technology (web 2.0 technology, your creating the content), demographics and economics. Spotify uses all of these aspects to become a big music seller. They can go globally and make money worldwide. People can add their own music to the website and people can download them then use them for themselves.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Useful Websites



The Long Tail Theory

Who is credited with the defining 'The Long Tail' Theory-
The theorist who defined the long tail theory was Chris Anderson.

The long tail theory is about selling hard to find items to customers instead of selling large volumes of reduced number of popular items. Our culture and economy is shifting away from this theory because more people are wanting more mainstream things and then it curves off into smaller niches.

Monday 28 February 2011

Summary Key Points

1. What is meant by the great leveling- Everyone gets the same access across the world, equality.

2. What were the original ideologies of the world wide web- Sharing information across the world to other people. Everyone has a voice and has a say with any world wide matter. The freedom of speech.

3. To what extent are we the beneficiaries or the victims of change- We are the beneficiaries because we can access free downloads of music or get the new film releases for free of download sites. In general we can get free information about any matter on the internet.

4. How has the virtual information changed our world- We don't have to leave the house any more, we can get everything from the comfort of our home such as food shopping or any other kind of shopping.


Friday 11 February 2011

Brinkburn College
